Marcy Feld Photography Blog

Through the Heart of the Lens

The Beat Goes On

It’s hard to believe that two weeks have passed since our visit to the Hamptons.  After 10 years of gracious invitations from our dear friends who own a stunning modern house in Bridgehampton, we finally took them up on their offer.  It’s not that we don’t love the beach...

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On the Road: The Summer Garden Tour: Part One

Ahhhh.  Can you feel it?  Those lazy days of summer are just around the corner.  It’s time to kick back and smell the roses- literally.  My husband Irwin has been spending what little free time he has on the weekends, getting our gardens ready for the season.  We have been astounded to see our plantings change and bloom right before of our eyes.  It is truly a sight to behold.

Summer is our favorite time on the road with neighbors always stopping by to say hello.  The days are long, allowing us the time to visit each other’s homes for dinner and cocktails and revel in the beauty of nature surrounding us.

And this summer you will be able to join us as...

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