It’s Sunday evening. The New York Marathon has ended along with Halloween and Daylight Savings Time. Today’s blustery and cool weather in the Northeast is a stark reminder of the long, outstretched hand of winter’s imminent return.
My first impulse is to hide under the covers on my ever-so-comfy new mattress and lament the seemingly endless number of dark and cold days ahead while stuffing my face with leftover Halloween candy (which I have had more than my share of), but really, what good would that do?
My antidote for today you ask? Color-seeped images of autumn in all it’s glory from Columbus Day Weekend in the country.
While every weekend in the country is chock full of natural beauty, Columbus Day weekend was exceptional. On Friday evening, we joined our neighbors for cocktails and a spectacular sunset from their newly finished deck.
As The Hawk Flies
Up, Up and Away!
The experience was inspiring!
The following day we decided to take a drive and explore, beginning with a visit to some rambunctious pigs.
Then to a beautiful lake brimming with autumnal color.
We drove on and discovered some four-legged animal friends and still more stellar color.
Truly an American pastoral experience.
The next day we took a walk on a charming road not too far from our house, replete with rustic homes and barns along with a hidden waterfall and stream that were simply enchanting.
As I scroll through the images above, I am reminded of the beauty that surrounds us each and every day. No matter what the weather or time of year, we need not look far to become inspired. And that inspiration is indeed our antidote. While we say Goodbye Columbus let's just say hello to today!