It's the last week of August and store kiosks are overflowing with back to school supplies and Halloween candy. And while Labor Day is less than a week away, we have almost a full month of summer on the calendar, so let's hold off on buying mums and scheduling apple-picking excursions, and instead, let's settle back and enjoy the rest of summer.
I don't know about you, but I have every intention of soaking in every last bit of summer so, with that in mind, please allow me to present our second summer garden of the season.
We had the absolute pleasure of visiting our neighbor's home last month to celebrate her milestone birthday. She is an avid gardener and cook who is married to an expert builder, and together they have constructed a beautiful home and gardens.
One of the amazing facts about our road is the variety of properties and landscapes. Each home and surrounding property is uniquely beautiful and so perfectly pared with its owners.
This particular afternoon was chock full of good food and conversation in idyllic surroundings.
It was my first visit to the property and as a photographer, I of course had my camera on hand to capture the captivating property and views.
The garden directly behind the house and featured below was deemed the "Friends' Garden" because most of the flowers planted there were actually given to my neighbor by her friends from their gardens.
Cleome Hassleriana or Spider Flower with Lemon Day Lilies
Red Petunias
Pale Peach Day Lilies with bright yellow centers
Purple Petunias
Moonbeam Coreopsis
Zinnia 'Profusion' orange (Park Seed hybrid)
Pink & Yellow Zinnea
Echinacea Pupurea 'White Swan'
More Cleome Hassleriana in both pink and white
Throughout the gardens and surrounding the in-ground pool (which I neglected to photograph ) there are so many of my neighbor's sweet touches. Each with it's own story. For example, the stone wall in front of the back gardens and behind the pool ( just to give some perspective) was the result of good old bartering; the stone wall in exchange for a tractor mower.
The stone wall in front of the garden was the result of a barter transaction. The planters surrounding the pool are filled with lush greens as well as heliotrope
Another Heliotrope filled planter with a glimpse of the pool
Love abounds in this garden oasis with sweet cherubs including the little one featured in the first image below. It was the first ornament purchased when they installed their pool and is still my neighbor's favorite.
Sweet little cherub which was the first purchase after the pool installation
The Angel weather vane featured below was a birthday gift from her mother.
Angel Weathervane
My neighbor has owned the pair of garden ornaments shown below for years AND... they actually have names. His name is Dubow and her name is Frieda. And, as my neighbor tells it, this loving pair continually reflect the state of the couple's relationship; either running toward or away from one another depending on their current moods. ( Haven't we all been there :) ). It appears that that was indeed a good day!
Dubow & Frieda
A lovely garden gate leading to the surrounding woods.
The magic garden
The property is terraced and the views are exceptional.
The lower level with stunning views from the deck
Exceptional Views
A good time was had by all and we were ushered out by this sweet dragonfly,
Dragonfly ornament
As well as side gardens brimming with colorful flowers and garden ornaments.
Allium sphaerocephalon 'Drumsticks' & Echinacea 'Aloha'
An Echinacea 'Flame Thower'
So don't lament, but rather bask in the beauty of your late summer garden because "it ain't over till it's over".