It all began with a face; a beautiful, round, cherubic. A face that encouraged me to study, explore and chronicle. Faces are like that. They can reveal so much or so little. They can be opaque, translucent or transparent. They can express a myriad of expressions or none at all. They can beckon you to come closer or ...
Read MoreMarcy Feld Photography Blog
Through the Heart of the Lens
My Hudson Valley Celebrities
Last week I read an article written last fall in the New York Observer about celebrities making their way to the Hudson Valley. As a photographer as well as a fifteen year resident of the valley, I thought that I'd get a jump on TMZ and share some celebrity photos of my own.
Read MoreFifty Years Later: A Fair to Remember
Yesterday I did something, that as a proud New Yorker, I almost never do: I waited on line. In fact I waited on a VERY long line to gain entrance to a structure that had not been open to the public for twenty-seven years. Yesterday, Earth Day, 2014, was also the 50th anniversary of the opening of the 1964-65 World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens and I waited on line to gain entrance to the New York State Pavilion.
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