Marcy Feld Photography Blog

Through the Heart of the Lens

My Hudson Valley Celebrities

Last week I read an article written last fall in the New York Observer about celebrities making their way to the Hudson Valley.  As a photographer as well as a fifteen year resident of the valley, I thought that I'd get a jump on TMZ and share some celebrity photos of my own.


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No "conscious uncoupling" for this pair-

How I Met Your Mother-


Gwyneth Poultry-

 "Got Milk" 


Kids Rock-

Golden Girl-

Jackie Black-

Meryl's sheep

Are you looking at me?

Wool-verine 3

Million Dollar Listing: Hudson Valley

Marcy FeldDSC_4002.jpg favorite celebrity by far-

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Well, there you have it- straight from the donkey's mouth... and my eyes. Really people-did you truly expect me to go all paparazzi on you?!  It's just the country, after all.