Marcy Feld Photography Blog

Through the Heart of the Lens

My Hudson Valley Celebrities

Last week I read an article written last fall in the New York Observer about celebrities making their way to the Hudson Valley.  As a photographer as well as a fifteen year resident of the valley, I thought that I'd get a jump on TMZ and share some celebrity photos of my own.

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Spring Has Arrived...In My Backyard

This past Friday, I had the distinct pleasure of photographing my friend and client, Jessica Gordon Ryan.   Jessica is a social media powerhouse that I first met in real life almost four years ago when a multitude of bloggers converged in NYC to attend The Nate Berkus Show.  She is a writer, photographer and blogger, as well as the founder/creative director at The Entertaining House...AND a true inspiration.

We met on the east side Central Park on this particularly glorious spring day to capture her essence for new headshots.  The shoot was a breeze and more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  The photos are of course - stellar (and you will see the final result on the website in the coming days).  But I will share a hilarious out-take that will shed some light on how much fun we had.

Hilarious Out-take

Hilarious Out-take

After the shoot, I decided to head back west by foot traversing through my backyard, Central Park.  Yes, you read it correctly; I like to think of Central Park my backyard and Riverside Park my front yard.  And after this endless winter of cold, ice and snow, it was nice to be hatless and gloveless exploring the park.  I am always amazed by its sheer vastness and what appear to be endless paths and trails.

Just the week before I had a photo session in Central Park for a project I am working on, and the lake was frozen solid, but this past Friday, the park was brimming with people as well as signs of spring

The Lake The Week Before: Frozen

The Lake The Week Before: Frozen

My first encounter was quite a stunner.  What appeared to be a woman sitting with her mop was actually a woman sitting with her breathtaking Puli, replete with long flowing rasta hair.

Looks Like a Mop-

Looks Like a Mop-

Actually A Spectacular Puli ( Hungarian Water Dog)

Actually A Spectacular Puli ( Hungarian Water Dog)

As I made my way through a winding path, I encountered several groups of birdwatchers scouting for feathered friends amidst the plethora of bird feeders.  I myself had an encounter with a Northern Cardinal, who was quite a poser

Stunning Northern Cardinal

Stunning Northern Cardinal

Further on, I met ducks and geese basking in the sun and swimming, enjoying the no longer frozen waters.

Sun Worshiping

Sun Worshiping

So Many Ducks - It Looked Like Water Ballet

So Many Ducks - It Looked Like Water Ballet

Spring Had Arrived

Spring Had Arrived

I even discovered a group of turtles swimming and sunbathing on the rocks.  All was as it should be.  Winter was finally behind us.

Swim Time

Swim Time

Sun Bathing

Sun Bathing

All Was As It Should Be

All Was As It Should Be

Then, just as I was approaching 72nd street & Central Park West, I found this patch of still un-melted snow: A harbinger of things to come? 

Out Out You Wicked Snow

Out Out You Wicked Snow

With a prediction for a possible nor’easter heading our way this week, one can only Imagine.

But despite the predictions and possibilities, one thing is certain : Spring has arrived in my Backyard!